Thursday, February 11, 2010

Post your paper #1 updates here


  1. 1. Locate a digital media text (Consider what interests you, what general areas you want to pursue, etc.) The following questions may help: Is there anything within contemporary culture that really bothers you or inspires you? Are there any theoretical concerns--within this class or others--that engage you?


    2. Locate a workable text for analysis (e.g., don’t just say YouTube or FaceBook—what specifically are you looking at about them--blogging features, instant messaging, etc). Given the field which is of interest and significance, what specific digital media texts may be appropriate for study? Will you be able to locate a specific single “text” (i.e., video website, piece of technology, means of interaction, etc.), or will you have a composite text from multiple representative acts.

    How is Facebook being used by different age groups (15-25) (25-35) (35-45) (50 +)
    For example: -Which ages are using it more
    -Is the age group 15-25 using it for social reason only while
    (35-45) uses it for work purpose or career advancement?

    3. Closely ʻreadʼ and describe the text. Describe it on its own terms
    Facebook is a website that you must have a login, your current email address, and password in order to gain access. Once you have access to the site you are able to create a user profile. Your profile has many different options; however the main page on the left hand side you have the option of showing a picture, a personal quote, saying, or message, information about yourself, photos, edit my profile, the people I am linked to on Facebook which they call “friends”. At the top there is a place in which you can leave a on the second min, hour, daily, weekly, monthly message quote, or you can leave it blank, in this case you would just see your name. In the middle of the page is your wall which will be describe in detail later. On the right hand side of the page is a bunch of different advertisements, geared at your particular interest listed on your information page. Finally at the very bottom you will find links to the following the copyright, how to create a profile, how to advertise, and finally how to find friends.
    The first tab is the one that come up every time when you click on your main page, this is your Wall, a place where friends of yours are able to post messages and comment on other messages. This is a digital way of communicating with one another, I can post a message on a friend wall at 3am then when they wake up at 9 they are able to go a retrieve it and write back when it convenient for them. The second tab allows you to add a picture, many people put up a picture of themselves or themselves with friends or family. You are limited to putting up a picture of yourself, you can put up a picture of whatever you want as long as it abides by Facebook’s Terms of Service and isn’t larger then 4 mega bites. You can then fill out as little or as much information about yourself as you want through their info page which is a tab on your user profile page. The information pertains to personal stuff, for example: Sex Birthday, Parents, Hometown, Favorite Music, current phone number, address, and email, Educational background, Work background, etc. Another tab on your page is labeled photos, this is an opportunity for you to upload and share photos you have taken or others have taken of you with friends and family. The final tab is labeled boxes this is the page that shows what groups and applications you’re connected to on Facebook. For example a group can be 2 or more users who come together to support, converse, get information, market, etc. A popular group seen is I have lost my cell phone and need your number, the creator of this group send out a request to all their friends or any member of Facebook asking if they would like to join the group. Once you have joined you have access to a discussion board in which you can chat with other members of the group by posting messages.

  2. Applications are different programs, games, etc. created and placed on Facebook as a benefit of being a member. For example iGift is an application in which members may send other members gifts, some free, some cost money. These are usually nice thoughtful gesture’s like a picture of a birthday cake, to celebrate and make everyone aware that it’s your birthday. It’s also a present from me to you that only costs $1.00 and everyone else that is friends with you can see that I sent you the present. There are also game for example Farmville is an application where you digitally build a farm, grow, harvest, and sell crops, raise and take care of animals, grow and harvest trees, etc. These are just some example of the applications they offer to their members.
    Lastly connected to your profile page is a privacy settings option in which you can look at and change at any time. These settings control the following areas: profile information, contact information, applications and websites, search, and block list (which controls that can and can not contact you, see your profile, or even know you’re a member of Facebook.
    There is a main page or home which you are brought to every time when you sing into Facebook, called the main page. Here you are able to see your picture, your name; it gives updates on all the friends you are connected to. For example if my friend Amy went on Facebook at 2:30 am and posted pictures, when I sign in at 10:30am on my main page I will see a feed telling me Amy posted pictures. It will even show the first picture or two, the same with comments, quotes, and messages.
    The opportunities are endless and very worthwhile for a free of charge social network.

    4. Describe the text within its context (e.g., history, political, culturally, etc)
    History- Facebook originally call thefacebook, was founded by former-Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, while attending Harvard, who ran it as one of his hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo Saverin. At first the program was just offered to Harvard students, then extending it to Yale and Stanford only. In order to take the site to the next level, a national student network phenomenon, Mark called upon the help of two fellow classmates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. In August 2005, thefacebook was officially called Facebook and the domain was purchased for a reported $200,000

    5. Start to address the theoretical perspective which you will evaluate the text that we will discuss in class (2/9). This doesn’t have to be nuanced--just a general approach to the text

    I would address this from Positivism/ Social Sciences—Systems Theory approach I am trying to understand about human behavior on Facebook as related to age groups and their usage time or reason for usage. I think they are observable behaviors you can see if children are on Facebook how many time a day for how long vs. different age groups. Its definitely quantifiable information and surveying would be the method I would consider using.

  3. 1) Social Networking as a whole.
    2)  With regard to the generation of people who have become reliant on social networking sites, “they represent a new race of social mutants, digital X-Men if you will, who, empowered by new technologies, are addressing with urgency the required debate, and are delivering proposals of actions for the great afflictions of our planet”.
    3) This text shows how politics, world leadership, the environment and the global economy can be strengthened with the influences digital media (social networking sites) has on the new generations to come. I feel as though the most interesting part of this piece is the emergence of greater cultural understanding through social networking.
    4) This text incorporates political/world leadership, environmental sustainability and the global economic instability. Utopia and world peace are terms that the common world views as unattainable, however with positive impacts of social networking, perhaps these concepts may come closer to fruition like a light at the end of tunnel.
    5) The theoretical perspective to evaluate is how accurate people believe this piece tackles modern day world issues. A negative aspect to discuss is the influx of also negativity such as hate groups that fuel animosity etc.

  4. 1. Locate a digital media text (Consider what interests you, what general areas you want to pursue, etc.) The following questions may help: Is there anything within contemporary culture that really bothers you or inspires you? Are there any theoretical concerns--within this class or others--that engage you?

    YouTube as an educational resource - YouTube EDU or

    2. Locate a workable text for analysis (e.g., don’t just say YouTube or Facebook -what specifically are you looking at about them--blogging features, instant messaging, etc). Given the field which is of interest and significance, what specific digital media texts may be appropriate for study? Will you be able to locate a specific single “text” (i.e. video website, piece of technology, means of interaction, etc.), or will you have a composite text from multiple representative acts.

    When YouTube was first established it was primarily used for entertainment purposes. Teens would post videos of stunts they did with friends or goofy stuff. However, now YouTube is used by people of all ages and for a variety of purposes. I am very interested in the use of YouTube in education. In fact, through my research I found YouTube EDU, which is an educational resource.

    There is “text” on this subject.

    3. Closely read and describe the text. Describe it on its own terms

    The article “Is Education ready for YouTube?” was posted on, which is a magazine that documents educational advancements with technology. The article describes how is now being utilized as a supplemental tool in the classroom. This tool is not only convenient, but is something that the student aged population is familiar with. The article noted that technology is a part of their (meaning students) lives, so it makes sense to use it.

    In today’s technology based society using YouTube in the classroom is a great teaching tool. It has the potential for students to learn new technology based skills, while making the learning process more interesting for them. This has the potential to change how students are taught and how educators teach.

    4. Describe the text within its context (e.g., history, political, culturally, etc)

    YouTube is a relatively new resource. The site has only been around since 2005 and has grown exponentially since then. This website has been a cultural phenomenon that has had a great impact on our lives. For example, YouTube has allowed us to share information worldwide and has given people access to information on basically anything.

    5. Start to address the theoretical perspective which you will evaluate the text that we will discuss in class (2/9). This doesn’t have to be nuanced--just a general approach to the text.

    I would look at this text from a cultural studies perspective. There are different age groups that use YouTube for completely difference reasons. I would consider these different social cultures. These groups have different attitudes about YouTube and this can alter their perspective.

  5. 1. Locate a digital media text

    Computerized Video Performance Analysis

    2.Locate a workable text for analysis

    Is there a difference between the effectiveness of computerized video performance feedback in female and male athletes?

    3. Closely read and describe the text on its own terms

    Prozone is the latest advancement in video based computerized performance analysis of soccer. Using a network of video cameras around a stadium, the movement of every player on the field is recorded and analyzed whilst the game is in progress providing information on over 2,500 different actions. This performance analysis is then communicated back to the coaching staff to be used for a variety of purposes. One such use of this computerized performance analysis is to provide advanced player feedback.

    4. Describe the text within its context (e.g., history, political, culturally, etc)

    Performance analysis in sport has advanced significantly in the last decade with the rapid advancement in technology. What used to be a hand written process of physically recording statistics in a game now involves video collection, computerized analysis and video / computer feedback. The development of this advanced performance analysis and its usage is still very much limited to the elite levels of the men’s professional game, where it has proven to be a necessity. Currently 56 professional teams in 58 countries rely on Prozone with 15 of 20 teams in the English Premier League utilizing the technology to provide performance feedback for coaches and players. Everyone of these teams is comprised of professional male athletes.
    More affordable options are becoming available and advanced systems are beginning to be introduced in the collegiate game, involving both male and female athletes.

    So is there a difference between the effectiveness of computerized video performance feedback in female and male athletes?

    5. Theoretical perspective with which to evaluate the text.

    As this involves an interpretation of how female and male behaviors are affected by computerized video performance feedback, a study of this nature would be carried out by surveying the athletes after a set period of time, quantifying both performance and psychological responses. This would be studied from positivism / social sciences perspective.

  6. 1. Globalization and the digital divide

    2. With the aforementioned topic I am looking at I will need to look through many recent technology census data. I want to know more about how digital media is benefiting so many countries and at the same time the absence in other countries is damaging. Last semester I did a current events piece on a gentleman by the name of Mo Ibrahaim who was a native of Africa that went to England to study technology and eventually created his own multi-billion dollar tech company. He took the majority of his earnings back to Africa and is personally investing in creating a wired Africa. It will be stories like this that I wish to investigate. In supporting these stories I will look for quantitative data to compare the digital divide. I believe I will have to look at multiple composite texts to properly analyze this topic.

    3. "Globalization and the digital divide: The Roles of Structural Conduciveness and Global Connection in Internet Diffusion" Edward Crenshaw and Kristopher Robinson Social Science Quarterly March 2006.

    This article seeks to explain that modernization and the growing prescence of the internet in international business and economy is happening. The authors look at 80 deemed developing countries and looked at structural conduciveness as it relates to income, telephone prices, structure, education and political structures in terms of total global contact. They used longitudinal research from 1995-2000 for the 80 countries and found that factors like foreign investment, major conglomerates, manufactoring exports, non government activitiy, and even tourism to name a few predict internet diffusion during the time period examine. Furthermore, it was found that indeed both conduciveness to internet technology as well as globalization are important factors in the diffusion of internet.

    4. This article tends to move in many different directions and contexts. For instance, they make reference to cultural aspects that lend themselves to internet usage in countries like literacy rates, educational levels , and other micro-social behaviors that they can analyze to prove their point. They also look at political and public sector rights and censorship in various countries because internet usage might be monitored or influenced in different ways for different countries. The true essense of this article lies in its findings on internet development and how this impacts global markets. Urbanization is slowly coming along in many of these thrid world nations and with urbanization comes a digital media prescence. The authors examine the impact this has on diffusion with the internet and the countries populations.

    5. With this topic I hope to examine a few select measurable areas, which are to be determined, to narrow my research. I will probably use the social sciences and systems theory to explain the interdependent nature of the internet and the countries of the world. I want to see how some of the countries that are smaller handle this global movement and if it is truly benefiting them or putting them at a competitive disadvantage.

  7. 1. For my paper topic I would like to focus on social networking sites and the emergence of narcissistic behavior.
    2. As far as sources of text, I will be looking at online journals and other scholarly texts. I will also draw on psychology sources and online statistics of social networking sites.
    3. I believe the advancement of social networking sites and the number of people using these sites and developing a digital persona has lead to an increase in self disillusionment and narcissistic behavior. I would like to examine what the current belief is amongst those who study this behavior and also look at how this will affect behavior in the real world. To me it seems like twitter and facebook and blogging have given people an outlet to express opinions and vent but it also feeds into self grandiosity and approval seeking. I would like to explore this concept more in depth and see if correlations can be drawn out.
    4. In terms of context I would say this topic falls under the arena of culture and psychology. Certainly the advent of social networking sites is part of our current culture but the side effects and repercussions of its use can be explained in terms of psychological proclivities.
    5. I would like to approach this topic from a psychological perspective but also focusing on the technology itself and how the sites themselves lead to this behavior. I think the two are intertwined and one feeds of the other, I feel that while the technology provides the outlet and means it is human nature that causes these behaviors to emerge.
