Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog 8


  1. 1) The articles we were charged with reading dealt with the concept of social networking and the web 2.0; a new generation of users in the digital age. One article explores the concepts of this new generation and social networking in the business realm, the other article focuses some of the same concepts but focused on the user's self perception and the perception of others when logged in.

    2 & 3)

    A) From a business perspective, getting involved with social networking can diversify your reach when it comes to potential customers. "As of the end of 2008, the statistics show 47% of all individuals in the United States with internet access in the 45-54 age range used social networking sites. Percentages rise to 65% for adults aged 35-44; 78% for adults aged 25-34; and 90% for adults aged 18-24 (p.2)."

    B) the scope and importance of social networking is evident and the is reflected in the entities that are embracing the movement. "Presently the range of organizations inhabiting these online venues reflects the ubiquitous of the platforms- from airlines to the US military- all types of enterprises are recognizing the power of social networking sites (p.3)."

    C)The new users described as Web 2.0 users are almost ultra-conscious of the image they are projecting out to the world. "Web 2.0 learners create, manage, cultivate, and share their postings and profile(s) to project their ideal social identities as part of a social networking process. This is called self-presentation management (p. 7)."

    4) The most difficult concept for me is just how companies can leverage social networking to their advantage, not only in terms of internal productivity but in interactions with the consumers.

    5)Should we lower our expectations in regards to making contacts through social networking based on the notion that people often embellish and contrive their profiles?

    What suggestions would you give a company who is engaging into social networking for the first time?

    Will we become over dependent on the ease and availability of knowledge on the web. Will certain knowledge be lost unless it is documented on the web.

    6)These papers were very intriguing and relevant to the world we are living in at the moment. It seems like if one does not embrace social networking sites and the internet you will be left behind and become digitally ostracized. Understanding how these sites work and more importantly how can they best serve your needs and the needs of the organizations you are employed by become invaluable to workers. Part of my paper deals with music distribution and social networking will play a leading role in those sections so this week;s readings were very helpful for me.

  2. 1. The two readings for this week deal with the changes in the interactive features of the worldwide web and internet. More specifically the newer world of web 2.0 and how it relates to the business world and the end user. Both articles discuss social networking devices and web 2.0, but one article focuses on organizational development and progress while the other article focuses on users and their interactions with the 2.0 format.


    A. Social Networking and web 2.0 are being brought to the forefront of web based learning and communication. Personal use and business use are growing and understanding these tools is key for organizations to succeed in the future. " Social networking sites are becoming ubiquitous in modern organizations' operational toolkits- with many organizations developing their own tools and sites. As policies and procedures are developed for these internally created sites, RIM Professionals must reach out and embrace the opportunity to have a "seat at the table" with their cohorts in the marketing, human resources, legal, and information technology departments." (pg. 1)

    2. There are four constructs for web 2.0 learning environments that explain the online socio-cultural learning format. "A web 2.0 construct is proposed by grounding online socio-cultural learning, socio-psychological theories, communication theory, and others. Four dimensions are proposed based a review of the available literature: cognitive, social, networking, and integration dimensions. " (pg. 257)

    3. The need to accept and embrace these evolving communication technologies is immense. Without them an organization could struggle in the future. "Creative collaboration, knowledge sharing, information storage, data access, problem solving, team building, intra/inter-industry networking are facilitated with the immediacy of unified communications platforms." (pg. 5, article 1)

    4. The most difficult concept from these readings for me was truly understanding exactly what web 2.0 is. I am very familiar with the social networking items. I know it sounds silly, but are they simply referring to an updated version of the web that is more interactive?

    5. How do tools like webinars and the online classroom fit into the web 2.0 picture? Are they part of the package or a separate entity altogether?

    Do you believe that these items are as crucial to modern business as the author makes them seem? Do you believe an organization can survive and prosper without them?

    6. This information might be helpful in my paper because of the learning and widespread communications aspects associated with them. There are parts of my paper that will deal with areas of the country that have limited access to basic internet services. Will web 2.0 and social networking contribute to a greater digital divide or will they narrow the gap that exists in America?

    Constructs for Web 2.0 learning environments: a theatrical metaphor

    The two articles look at the development of social networking sites resulting from advanced Web 2 technologies. Barnes and Barnes discuss the various forms of social networking sites and why organizations should adopt them in their business plans while Tua, Blocher and Roberts examined the development of web 2 technologies through a theatrical metaphor.

    Key Ideas

    1. The evolution of Web 2.0 technology has allowed us to communicate and interact with others in multiple ways and share information and knowledge like never before. “ Web 2.0 technology aims to enhance mediated knowledge creation, information sharing, …………… These concepts have led to the development and evolution of Web-based communities and hosted services, such as social networking sites, wikis, blogs.” Tua, Blocher and Roberts, Page 256

    2. Positive relationships can be developed through social networking sites “Social relationships can promote affection, information, and trust relationships, and effective relationship management.” Tua, Blocher and Roberts, Page 260

    3. In developing a social networking business plan, companies should not just target the younger generation. “Statistics demonstrate younger generations are more attuned to Web 2.0 technology ……. Organizations entering the planning stage should assemble a group of diverse, knowledgeable persons – do not rule-in or rule-out inclusion of individuals based on ageist notions.” Barnes and Barnes, Page 32

    Challenging concept
    My most challenging concept with the social networking sites is how it will be fully utilized into the business world. I still see it primarily as a place to share pictures and stories with friends. I understand how some businesses and individual’s can use such sites to promote they, but am still challenged with how the majority of companies integrate it. The article mentioned that only 2% of Fortune 100 companies have it ‘firmly en-trenched’ in their day-to-day business. How does a company like JP Morgan Chase or Boeing incorporate it into its business plan, if it at all does?

    Discussion Questions
    1. The paper made note of a major U.S. airline that uses Twitter to conduct its grassroots marketing activities. Do we feel this is an effective method of marketing, given the relative low number of people in this class actively using twitter?
    2. Twitter doesn’t make a profit, so in order to do so it may need to charge. If this happens what impact may it have on its usage? On the same topic, what would be the impact on usage if there was a nominal fee to use facebook and myspace also.

    Relating to the ‘Paper’ / Real World
    These readings don’t relate to my paper but one of my goals of this course is to develop a greater knowledge of how to maximize exposure for our program through social networking sites. So in this aspect it was very appropriate to the real world and my understanding of it.

  4. 1) The articles this week talk about organizations and how they are being affected by our evolving technology. It opens our eyes to the many benefits these sites can offer and how all aspects of business are utilizing them in different ways. The authors concentrate on web 2.0 and how it relates to the organizations. One article looks at progress and organizational development, the second article looks at the user and their interactions and use with the 2.0 format.

    3 Main points- Equipping your organization for the social networking game
    2 & 3) Why organizations should get in the game
    -From a business perspective, it is unwise to remain disconnected and on the sidelines (pg.2).
    -Individuals of all ages are discovering the benefits of the sites, as demonstrated by the fact that 60% of online, U.S. consumers aged 13 or older used the services in 2008. Specifically, as of the end of 2008, the statistics show 47% of all individuals in the United States with Internet access in the 45 to 54 age range used social networking sites (pg.2).
    Social Networking’s major players
    -there are at least four major players in the social networking genre: LinkedIn,
    MySpace, Face- Book, and Twitter (pg.2).
    Risks to be avoided
    -Legal Risks -As examples, copyright and trademark or logo-related issues cannot be ignored, while proprietary information captured on these sites must be monitored to guard against loss of an organization’s competitive advantage.
    -Operational Risks-Regardless of the level of exclusivity an organization assigns to a site (i.e., whether the site is internally or externally facing), proper planning is required and organizational implications should be considered.
    -Each organization must strategically examine its operational policies and procedures before implementing a social networking site

  5. 3 Main points-Constructs for Web 2.0 learning environments: a theatrical
    Social dimension
    -Social linkage and human networks become critical in Web 2.0 learning environments (p.6)
    -Web 2.0 learners create, manage, cultivate, and share their postings and profile(s) to project their ideal social identities as part of a social networking process. This is called self presentation management (p.7)
    -Donath and Boyd (2004) suggest that “public displays of connection” serve as important social identity signals that help people navigate the networked social world and provides others with a means of getting in touch with one’s circle of friends and acquaintances (p.8)
    Networking dimension
    -network technology architecture/stage that empowers actors/learners with advanced mechanisms/props/tools to learn/perform (p.9)
    -Web 2.0 technological forces shape to learners’ networking practices Instruments and semiotic tools are employed to achieve online social interaction supported by
    premeditated tools (p.10)
    -The ability to capture and visualize communication and mental model trails is crucial in Web 2.0 learning environments, allowing learners to trace the ramifications of thought processes and learn by examining their own thinking (p.10)
    Integration dimension
    -actors/learners performing/engaging in activities (p.11)
    -It is critical that all interactions should engage learners in collaborative and community-related activities because acting/learning is a social ritual (p.11)
    -Collaboration, Web 2.0 tools for collaborative work are simple, flexible, and free, and offer a familiar Web interface (p.12)
    -Community, A learning community goes beyond learners getting together to learn. Four different types of learning communities are identified to obtain a better understanding of how community members process and engage in community activities: communities of interest, communities of purpose, communities of passion, and communities of practice (p.12).

    4) The most difficult concept for me is just how companies can balance and manage social networking sites as they constantly change. I also don’t completely understand why organizations should use web 2.0 and not just Facebook? Is it just a newer updated version of what were looking at now with Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

    5) How do you use social networking sites in your organization?
    Does your organization have policies for social networking sites, if so what are their requirements?

    6) Social networking sites are creating numerous opportunities for organizations in today’s day in age. I personally think that these sites are great and should be utilized to their fullest, free marketing, reaching different target markets, asynchronous communications, etc. To me I think those who are not embracing the technology changes will sooner rather then later drop off the face of the earth, almost everyone is communicating online somehow. I agree with Cody’s comment “Understanding how these sites work and more importantly how can they best serve your needs and the needs of the organizations you are employed by become invaluable to workers.”

  6. 1. Both articles discuss the use and evolution of web 2.0 technology. Barnes and Barnes discuss how social networking can be an effective tool for organizations as long as it is used properly. Whereas, Tu, Blocher, & Roberts’ article describes how the use of web 2.0 technologies have changed how we communicate and learn.

    2/3 A.Social networking can be an effective tool for organizations- “social networking sites are becoming ubiquitous in modern organizations’ operational toolkits- with many organizations developing their own tools and sites (pg. 28, Barnes & Barnes).”

    “From a business perspective, it is unwise to remain disconnected and one the sidelines (pg.29, Barnes & Barnes).”

    B. The social networking community is diverse- “2008, the statistics show 47% of all individuals in the United States with Internet access in the 45 to 54 age range used social networking sites. Percentages rise to 65% for adults aged 35 to 44; 78% for adults aged 25 to 34; and 90% for adults aged 18 to 24 (pg.29, Barnes & Barnes).”

    C. Web 2.0 has various components, which enable learning- “Web 2.0 technology is shaping human communication and impacting how people present themselves and interact with one another (pg. 256, Tu, Blocher, & Roberts).”

    “If it is agreed that learning is essentially social in nature, social interaction between selves and identities is an integral condition for learning. Web 2.0 technology empowers learners with a representational system to craft and present different identities.”

    4. The most difficult concept for me was the idea of web 2.0 technology. I didn’t understand what it was. Another thing I felt was challenging was the theoretical metaphor that Tu, Blocher, & Roberts used.

    5. Do you think it would be better for organizations to utilize existing social networking sites or to establish their own?

    Do you think it would be hard for organizations to monitor use of social networking sites if used as a part of business?

    6. The idea of web 2.0 technologies can be used to assist in learning is applicable to my paper topic. According to Tu, Blocher, & Roberts’s article, video sharing is a form of web 2.0 technology.

  7. 1) This piece regarding social networking shows some of the impacts technology has on our ever-changing technology driven society. Naturally there are gains and losses. As graduate students, we must learn to take advantage of the positives while limiting the negatives in order to become successful and retain a strong communicative grasp on reality.
    2) Why organizations should be involved in social networking / Risks concerning the field / Social Networking Recommendations for organizations
    3) “Organizations…are becoming more attuned to benefits of this (social networking) technology” pg.29 / “Each organization must strategically examine its operational policies and procedures before implementing a social networking site” pg.31 / “Cultivate a community of creativity, shared knowledge, and expertise” pg.32
    4) This piece did not have challenging aspects for me to grasp for a few reasons. One being, I’ve been in the corporate world for quite sometime and have a firm understanding of ethics, policies and procedures. Additionally, in this organizational leadership program social networking has been emphasized at large.
    5) Does your company utilize facebook? Why or why not? What are possible benefits and risks?
    6) Part of our evolving technological world encompasses social networking sites. They can help further a variety of organizations to a huge degree. Having this said, all companies should analyze the possibility of getting started sooner rather than later. After all, no one likes to be left behind!
